As an affiliate marketer, there are several strategies that will help you increase your income. These techniques are easily learned, and are available online, 24/7.

One of the foremost ways is by using product reviews and testimonials. Savvy marketers know that this works very effectively in promoting a specific product.

If the prospects have faith in your word, they will definitely trust your recommendations. However, use caution with this approach. If you promote everything by recommendation, your credibility will actually wear thin, particularly when recommendations sound exaggerated and without much merit.

Do not be afraid to give a negative review, mentioning things that you do not like about a given product or service. Instead of turning people off, this will make your recommendation more believable, and will increase your credibility.

Also, if your visitors are actually interested in the product that you are offering, they will be more than delighted to learn “the good, the bad, and the ugly,” and how the product will benefit them.

When you are endorsing a product, remember :

• Sound like a true and leading expert If prospects believe that you are an expert in your niche, they are more inclined to buy. On the other hand, if your product endorsements are not confident and self-assured, the prospect will probably feel the same, and will search for another product or service on your competitor’s web site, which is more believable. How do you create an aura of expertise? By presenting new and unique answers, in the form of products which solve their problems or enhance their quality of life, that they would not get anywhere else. Show evidence that what you are endorsing works as you said it would. Display unmistakable testimonials and recommendations from famous and respected personalities, especially in the same field of expertise. Remember: Price resistance diminishes in direct proportion to trust

• Steer clear of distortion, embellishment, and puffery at all costs. It is better to sound quiet and confident, than to holler and screech and seek the spotlight. Don’t sound unprofessional and have that thinking influence your prospects. You are better off appearing cool and confident.

• Your prospects are not stupid. They are actually turning to experts and may already know more than you know. If you back up your claims with hard facts and data, they will gladly open their wallets. But if you don’t, they will buy from your competitors and not form you.

• Give out some promotional freebies. This fits in with the concept of viral marketing. Very few people do this to promote affiliate products. Try to offer freebies that are in the same “product family” as the affiliate product; for example, free calorie and carb counters to promote weight loss product.

Before you recommend a product, you must test the product yourself, and make sure it is good.. Don’t promote junk products and services. Think of how long it took you to build credibility and trust among your prospects! All it will take to destroy it is one big mistake on your part.

Take stock of your affiliate marketing program, and critically re-think your strategies. You may not be focusing on the endorsements that your products need. Your “game plan” is not the only thing that drives your program. Try incorporating product reviews, and be among the few who have verified its merit!

For more information on affiliate marketing, please visit my web site:

About The Author

Dottye Blake is a Realtor in Central Florida, an internet marketer, and a wife, mother and grandmother. She is the published author of a book and several short stories, songs, articles and poems.

For more information on affiliate marketing, please visit my web site:

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